Doctors around the world are calling transdermal patches "the delivery system of the future" because it has been discovered that a high absorption rate of many supplements can be achieved when delivered through the skin. The reason for this is when supplements are delivered transdermally, they are absorbed directly into the blood stream, initially bypassing the liver, stomach and intestine. The result can mean as much as 95% of the supplement getting to the cells where they are needed. *
Slim Weight Patches work by excreting its ingredients through the skin into the bloodstream, where they start to work.
Product Properties
Conversely, studies have shown when some substances are taken orally, as little as 5% makes it to the cells where they are needed. This is because of the stomach, liver and digestive system excreting and discarding much of the substances taken orally.
Directly from the ocean to the lab and packaged in a sterile environment; Slim Patch contains Fucus Vesiculosus, or Fucus for short, a brown alga that is found on the North Sea coast, the western Baltic coast, and the Atlantic and Pacific coasts (Medical Econ., 1998). Fucus contains many extracts, the most important of which is iodine. The thyroid gland uses iodine to make it's thyroid hormone. Once iodine levels are increased in the body, as the patch does, the effect is an increase in thyroid hormone production leading to increased metabolism as reported in the American Thyroid Assn., 1996. This increase metabolism has the potential to initiate weight loss without a change in a dieter's eating habits. It is this last point that makes Fucus products so appealing to people who want to lose weight without giving up their favorite foods.
Just one patch a day and the pounds come off. Patch technology and Transdermal technology is going to completely change our world. You have heard of nicotine patches and the popular hormone replacement patch. New developments are on the market for birth control patches, fever patches and even diabetic patches.
In customer testimonials supplied to Roduve, it was found that most people lose from 2 to 4 lbs. per week using this weight loss patch. There have been cases reported of as much as 6-lbs. weight loss in one week.
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